Galaxy magnet motor. The idea for building a prototype of this motor came to us from this page on the internet. This invention is meant to help inventors to further invent and perform tests of their own. The rotors and stators are cut on a precision CNC router with an accuracy of 0.004". The material is made up of high density polyethylene and is very impact resistant. The stator has holes cut out for 5/8" round neodymium permanent magnets. There are three rotors designed with different configurations, and two of them have holes for 5/8" while the other one has holes for 1/2" round neodymium permanent magnets. The holes are cut out slightly smaller than the width of the permanent magnets, and a small block of wood is required to push them into position. Once they are in position, they will not come back out. However, they can be forced back out and reinstalled for a different configuration within minutes. Bearings, shaft, and collars are included. Neodymium permanent magnets are NOT included; although, here is the website where the round neodymium permanent magnets can be purchased. The actual product may vary slightly from the YouTube video and the images.